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Our ministries

Through a variety of ministires, the SGF is “serving God by serving his churches” as we provide opportunities for churches to regularly interact, benefit from shared times of fellowship and be blessed through the gifts the Lord has granted to each of our churches.

Grace Pastors Fellowship (GPF)

The Grace Pastors Fellowship meets monthly (Sept. – April) and exists to bring glory to God by equipping, challenging, and developing relationships among pastors in the greater Toronto area and beyond. Are you within a drive to Toronto? Come join us for our next meeting! We also run an annual Pastors Conference & Retreat in the first week in June.

Pastors laughing together

Ladies’ Retreat

Annually in May, the SGF hosts a ladies’ retreat with the aim of growing in Christ and fostering relationships between women (ages 17+) within the SGF churches (and beyond) through Bible teaching, fellowship, and encouragement. This retreat is held at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Stay tuned each Spring for updated information, including the speaker and the topic to be addressed. For questions or inquires, email the committee.

(opens March 1)

May 9–10, 2025

Establish the Work of Our Hands: Reflections from Psalm 90 on the brevity of life, the faithful stewardship of each day and the goodness of labour

Download Retreat Poster
Email Ladies' Retreat
Group of ladies in a room in prayer

Carey Conference

The Canadian Carey Family Conference (CCFC) is held at Braeside Camp and Conference Centre in Paris Ontario usually the second week prior to Labour Day Weekend. A special speaker is featured in the evenings where he speaks on a theme throughout the week. There are also age specific sessions in the mornings. There is lots of time for games, swimming, or sitting and relaxing. The Carey has run for more than forty years and has become a highlight of the year for many of those who attend. Information regarding program, accommodations, meals, and online registration can be found at the CCFC website.

Young people playing volleyball

SGF Youth Retreat

This Saturday retreat for young people sits dormant at the moment. It was held in the fall at the Braeside Camp and Conference Centre in Paris. A guest speaker presented sessions based on a topic relevant to this age group. Activities included a wide range of large and small group games, singing, discussions, and interaction.

Young people in an outdoor setting


A quarterly magazine published by the SGF — articles, news, book reviews, church history, biblical reflection, media, etc. — BARNABAS helps you think through the issues of the day, reflect on God's past dealings, dig deeper in God's Word and hopefully encourage your faith!

Variety of cover images of Barnabas magazine

SGF Annual General Assembly

The Assembly is usually held the 3rd weekend in October at one of the SGF member churches. It runs Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Updates from activities around the SGF community are shared, a worship service is enjoyed, and business matters, such as the budget, the election of board members, and relevant Fellowship matters are discussed and dealt with. Each member church sends up to 3 delegates to the meeting, but it is open to any individuals who would like to attend. Program and registration details will be posted in the early fall.

2024 SGF Assembly

Fri., October 18 – Sat., October 19
Faith Baptist Church
3837 Lawrence Aven E Scarborough ON M1G 1R2

Group of delegates in a church for a gathering